
Marghera, a city born in 1904 as the brainchild of founders Foscari and Volpi and sold as a “product” around the world to attract investors, in just a few decades achieved worldwide fame in many sectors for the quality of its products, also - and perhaps somewhat surprisingly - in the food industry. This is confirmed by the numerous patents filed in various languages and countries, as well as by laboratory photos and documents, standing as a testament and an example to be followed by the employees of today. Today would not be what it is without Marghera.

About a century ago, a masterpiece of industrial archaeology was created from a combined set of architectural, engineering, mathematical and construction skills: a 54.22m reinforced concrete Cooling Tower featuring a singular and extremely functional hyperboloid shape.

This innovation marked the development of the 1900s, bringing progress to Italy, Europe and the world.

Built in 1938, the Tower is still an architectural and engineering feat to this day. Based on a Franco-Dutch project of the late nineteenth century (recovered and brought to Marghera by Sen. Giovanni Agnelli, President of Vetrocooke SPA from 1924 to 1948), it is the last remaining Cooling Tower in Marghera (it is the only one of 5 to have been saved from demolition). Located at the gates of the new port entrance, it is now owned by Consorzio Multimodale Darsena, as part of another intuition by businessman Gianni Sottana who, together with the then Mayor Massimo Cacciari, bought the 33 hectares lying between the quay and Via dell’Azoto in order to build a logistic platform behind the port.

To benefit from this structure is the Port, the workers employed in the area (73+ companies with more than 1,200 direct employees), and the environment itself, this being one of the few areas that have been successfully reclaimed and converted.

The Tower, renamed the Venice Heritage Tower, has been restored to make it a unique structure of its kind in Italy and Europe, becoming once again the soul and beating heart of the north-east Italian economy.

There where water once flowed, in approximately 3000 recovered square metres, now stands a place of culture, art, training, business and attraction. Different, versatile environments, each with a specific vocation, in which tradition meets creativity and innovation for a truly authentic experience. A space open to innovation where everyone is free to create added value.

The following firms were involved in the recovery project: Studio ARKA e Associati, H&A Associati, Studio Fabiano Pasqualetto, RPR Studio.

The project, by Arch. Roberto Pescarollo - RPR STUDIO, Venice - introduces a multimedia exhibition space on the ground floor, with a new glass entrance.


The project was carried out with POR funding – Goal “Investment promoting growth and employment”, ERDF European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 – Axis 3, Action 3.5.1C, with the birth of the cultural start-up, Venezia Heritage Tower – VHT.

Venezia Heritage Tower is, therefore, a unique initiative on the Italian and European scene, born with the aim of restoring to companies, institutions and citizens a part of the European and Italian cultural legacy: a “beacon” of change.

The project was carried out with POR funding – Goal “Investment promoting growth and employment”, ERDF European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 – Axis 3, Action 3.5.1C, with the birth of the cultural start-up, Venezia Heritage Tower – VHT.

Sustainability, historical heritage enhancement, business culture, innovation, space flexibility, restoration of an important legacy to the public: these are the principles that underpin this major restoration effort.



Today, through a second POR ERDF 2014-2020 – Action 3.1.1 C funding, it has been possible to extend the services for the promotion and enhancement of business culture through the introduction of new technological facilities and equipment, as well as innovative tools and instruments of attraction for the promotion of the area's cultural, architectural, natural and business heritage.

As a result, visitors may choose from a selection of tours and use multiple “senses”, balancing the presence of value-driven, communicative display materials with modern technologies (augmented reality, immersive audio storytelling, virtual reality), while all the time ensuring a truly emotional experience.

The new technologies developed have introduced innovative visualisation techniques that enhance the tangible through the intangible, diversifying the cultural and tourist offering, while making the services offered more attractive and competitive, encouraging greater involvement of users and improving their real, virtual and emotional experience of VHT.

These new technologies make it possible create “bespoke” experiential packages tailored to the target audience.


From EVAPORATIVE TOWER to “condenser” of ideas, stimuli, initiatives and capacities.